Les programmes
de la coupole

Séance en direct : À la découverte de notre Système solaire
Tout public
À 11h00, tous les mercredis, week-ends et jours fériés

Dans cette séance entièrement en direct, nos animateurs du Planétarium vous emmènent à la découverte du Système solaire et de ses planètes en 3D. L’occasion de poser toutes les questions qui vous passent par la tête ! En début de séance, décryptez le ciel du soir visible, actuellement visible dans la région.

Live session : Retour vers le Big Bang Nouveau
All audiences
À 11h00, on weekends and public holidays

In this fully live session in French, our 3D Planetarium facilitators take you on a journey through the history of the cosmos, starting from the Earth as we know it today and travelling back in time and space to the very beginnings of the Universe. This is your chance to discover the highlights of a history that began 13.6 billion years ago!

In French only

Live session : Retour vers le Big Bang
All audiences
À 11h00, every day

In this fully live session in French, our 3D Planetarium facilitators take you on a journey through the history of the cosmos, starting from the Earth as we know it today and travelling back in time and space to the very beginnings of the Universe. This is your chance to discover the highlights of a history that began 13.6 billion years ago!

In French only

Noisettes Nouveau
Tout public
À 14h00, tous les jours

Il était une fois un ciel rempli de planètes merveilleuses où poussent les noisettes les plus délicieuses... Du moins, c’est ce que pensent deux écureuils gourmands, Nino et Lilli. Mais l’herbe est-elle vraiment plus verte ailleurs ? Déterminés à le découvrir, nos deux acolytes font tout pour quitter la Terre et répondre à cette question. En chemin, ils croiseront Léon, un vieux hibou plein de sagesse.

Diffusion en version française

All audiences
À 12h15, every day

Discover a different perspective of how the landing on 6th June 1944 changed the world. The film is both spectacular and educational, as it explores history, science, military strategy, technology and human values.

Session in French (audio also available in English, Dutch and German)

Capcom Go !
All audiences
À 14h00, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays

July 21, 1969, at 03:56:20 AM in Central European Time, Neil Armstrong became the first human to step foot on the Moon. Relive the story of Apollo 11, the high-risk mission that encountered countless setbacks from start to end. The mission that became the first in a long thread of the history of human exploration on the Moon. The precedent that set the foundation for subsequent voyages that followed with varying levels of success. And the technologies that were developed over the course of time brought about the space exploration we will revisit today.

Session in French (audio also available in English and Spanish)

Magic Globe Nouveau
All audiences
À 14h00,

On vacation at her grandpa’s, a little girl Mia accidentally discovers a mysterious astronomical machinery. Edek, Mia’s eccentric uncle, tricks the girl into using the tool’s secret powers to change the world’s seasons. She quickly realizes the consequences of what they are going to do, but Edek doesn’t want to let the plan go.

Session in French (audio also available in English)

All audiences
À 15h15, every day

A new crew of astronauts arrives aboard the International Space Station and discovers the joy, wonder and danger of living in space. Years of training come into play as the crew overcomes disorientation from zero gravity, responds to potential catastrophic emergencies, and learns to operate as a close-knit team. The extreme nature of this unique shared experience brings them to form family-like bonds.

Session in French (audio also available in English)

Magic Globe
All audiences
À 14h00, every day

On vacation at her grandpa’s, a little girl Mia accidentally discovers a mysterious astronomical machinery. Edek, Mia’s eccentric uncle, tricks the girl into using the tool’s secret powers to change the world’s seasons. She quickly realizes the consequences of what they are going to do, but Edek doesn’t want to let the plan go.

Session in French (audio also available in English)

Magic Globe
All audiences
À 14h00, every day

On vacation at her grandpa’s, a little girl Mia accidentally discovers a mysterious astronomical machinery. Edek, Mia’s eccentric uncle, tricks the girl into using the tool’s secret powers to change the world’s seasons. She quickly realizes the consequences of what they are going to do, but Edek doesn’t want to let the plan go.

Session in French (audio also available in English)

All audiences
À 16h45, every day

In 1977, NASA launched Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 to study the planets in the solar system farthest from Earth. The two probes transformed our view and our knowledge of these faraway worlds. Today, over 40 years from their launch, they continue to explore the unknown of interstellar space, carrying with them a message in the case of an encounter with extraterrestrial life.

Session in French (audio also available in English and Spanish)

À 14h00, tous les jours

James, un manchot voyageur du pôle Sud, et Vladimir, un ours rigolo du pôle Nord, se rencontrent sur la banquise arctique. Ils se lient d'amitié, échangent sur leurs régions respectives et observent les étoiles en se demandant pourquoi la nuit dure si longtemps aux deux pôles de la Terre. Cette interrogation va les mener à la construction d'un vaisseau spatial de fortune. Au cours d'un voyage autour de la Terre, puis vers Mars et Saturne, ils répondront à leur interrogation et découvriront que les planètes ont des points communs mais aussi des différences !

All audiences
À 16h45, every day

In 1977, NASA launched Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 to study the planets in the solar system farthest from Earth. The two probes transformed our view and our knowledge of these faraway worlds. Today, over 40 years from their launch, they continue to explore the unknown of interstellar space, carrying with them a message in the case of an encounter with extraterrestrial life.

Session in French (audio also available in English and Spanish)

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